Page Advisor

Report Data:
Profile: Stampede Logistics
Last Date Submitted: 04/28/2008 12:00 am
Number of sites submitted on last submission: 38
Total Successful Submissions: 30
Total Failed Submissions: 3
Total Submission Runs: 1

Website Information:
Webpage for submission: http://stampedelogistics.com
Website title: Stampede Logistics Group, LLC - Truck Brokerage, Freight Forwarding, Heavy Hauling, Transportation Brokerage, Trucking
Website description: Stampede Logistics Group, LLC is a highly experienced third-party logistics provider offering inbound and outbound TL and LTL logistics services across the US. We Matching the right shippers with truckers.
This is a commercial website: Y
This is a personal website: N
This is an MLM website: N
This is an Adult-related website: N
Main Category: Transportation => Shipping
Keywords: brokerage, freight, national trucking, interstate trucking, freight forwarders, freight forwarder, freight forwarding, freight co, freight broker, motor freight, truckload freight, shipping, shipping services, freight shipping, shipping freight, trucking co, trucking broker, heavy haul, heavy haul trucking, flatbed trucking co, freight carrier, Logistics, transportation logistics, forwarding, truck brokers, Commerical Transportation Brokerage, United States, Canada
Country code for website: US
Website Owner Information
First name: Mike
Last name: Gorham
Job title: Owner
Company name: Stampede Logistics Group
Address: PO Box 247
Fort Edward,NY 12828
Country code for owner: US
Submission email address: noleeo@hotmail.com
Report email address:
(for receiving reports)
Fax number: N/A (N/A) N/A-N/A ext.N/A
Work phone: N/A (518) 747-2000 ext.N/A
Home phone: N/A (N/A) N/A-N/A ext.N/A


 Nolee-O Web Design Profile Report